Sunday, July 5, 2009

2 Weeks in Virginia and no blog yet :O

Yep it now has been 2 weeks since I left Indiana, and even though Virginia was partly fun, and especially driving the car + boat was awesome I miss Indiana and everybody there a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot ! ;) Overall I'm feeling better though most days, I still have those “FML, why am I here and not in Indiana?! :O” moods occasionally, and that I txt and call people in Indiana like every day doesn't really make it a lot better ): But as already mentioned, part of the stay with my grandparents was a lot of fun and I'm feeling confident enough to not be sad 24/7 for ever about Indiana (even though it's gonna be a pretty long time before I start to appreciate anything else again I think ;))

So what did I do these 2 weeks? :> First again, Idk how good the Internet connection is gonna be at the ranch (more about that later) so no idea if pictures will follow … I'm on the plane to Jackson Hole, Wyoming right now, and since I had nothing better to do I decided to write down a new blog entry ;)

Here we go now 2 weeks in Virginia: The day I got there (Thur two weeks ago), we (Grandma + -pa / My uncle Adam and his girlfriend Leslie + last (but not least at all ;)) ME! :>) first went out for dinner to very good restaurant and they had some good food there ;) I then spent the night at my uncle's “crib” (yay now I'm cool, I used “crib” YO! ;)) which was good but sad because of late night txting with everybody ;) The next day it was time for my older cousin's (Alex for those who actually know sth about my family ;)) graduation of high school :> The graduation was very umm interesting and long ;P But it was okay to watch, since I didn't get to go to the graduation at Andrean at all, so I had never seen anything like this before... After that they had a big party, but I pretty much was in the FML mood I talked about earlier again so I just txted a lot ;) (It didn't help that my uncle left that day to go on a business trip to Chicago for a day :O The place I wanted go again -.-” + he's so much fun ofc as everybody should know (yeah also in Germany (remember the one history/english lesson... ;)))

The next day my grandparents and me drove to my grandparent's place down on the Norther Neck (don't bother to look it up, it's pretty much the middle of nowhere ;)) and the first fun experience: I got to drive most of the way, YAY!! (just that right there multiplied my driving time by like 1.5 :D ). I spent most of the first week on helping around the yard (mowing the lawn, chopping trees,...) and putting the boat into the water (that was some work :O) as well as playing the chauffeur on the boat and in the cars :> It wasn't that much fun but okay, since I ofc still had txting and got to use my grandparent's land line for late night calls ;)

The second week then: I actually had some people to talk to that were close to my age! :> My little cousin (haha she's my favorite cousin now I guess (and I'm hers she said ;)) ;)) Jesse and her friend Taylor (Idk how u spell it, but yeah she's a girl ;)) came to perform in the Children Theater project that week :> Even though they're just 12 it was fun since now there actually was someone I could talk to more freely and we had fun just sitting and hanging out (well really there's NOWHERE to go there :O the next shop is 20 minutes or so away and closes at 10 PM lol) and I had fun driving :D Also (which I think is kinda creepy but okay it's funny too ;)) my cousin and her friend now have all the numbers of my friends in Indiana and txt them :D Oh and we talked to them over the phone again too late at night every day :>

The theater! I wasn't really signed up for the project (good! Acting is no fun and it w as a musical too and as everybody knows: I SUCK at singing ;P) so I ended up helping with some work (like carrying courtains around (OMG u wouldn't believe who frickin' heavy those silk and velvet things were :O)) and doing the lights and sounds for the shows :> I was pretty busy with all that so not much time to socialize with people (there actually were some chicks my age (no dudes ofc they're too cool for acting (okay me too normally but what do u do in the middle of nowhere?! ;))) but over the week I got to know the people my age pretty good and got some digits from the keyboard playing (she was pretty good I think) chick Elena so I actually might be able to hang out with somebody when we come back from our trip! :>
The shows I did the lights and sound in were good and I had fun I guess :> Especially since my uncle came Friday night so party all night ;) Jk but we were up pretty late playing pranks on the girls haha. Overall the week was fun, thank you Jesse and Taylor at this point they made it a lot of fun :> We left up north to spend the night in Alexandria (Our flight was early in the morning and my grandparent's didn't want to drive the 3 h before taking the early flight :O) and I got to drive all Way! YAY! By now I probably have multiplied my driving time by ten and have like 60 h of driving ;D (okay maybe that much Idk but a lot and I feel a lot more comfortable when driving ;))

Wyoming! That's where I'm on the plane to right now, I'm on the way to Wyoming and we're gonna go to a so-called “Dude Ranch” for a week, which is basically a “Cowboy-Western-style-ranch” :> We gonna spend a week horseback riding trails and through Yellowstone National park :> (I think, at least it's close so we definitely gonna go see some stuff there :> Geysirs! ;)) I hope that's gonna be fun, but it sure sounds like it and if everything else fails I still have my cell and txting ;)

That's pretty much the story of Virginia so far ! :> I still miss Indiana a lot a lot but it's getting better and I can still talk and txt them :> Oh and I'm still up for going to Indiana next summer so I will definitely see them again! YES I CAN!! ;) The day I'm leaving for Germany is coming awfully close and Idk if I should be happy or sad :O for one I won't be able to txt anymore (or call each night bc of the costs -.-”), I won't have any Pop anymore (seriously WHAT'S WRONG with Germany that they don't drink Pop O.o It's the most valuable resource on earth ! ;P) so I will suffer from txting and caffeine withdrawal ! But on the other side it's better than being in the middle of nowhere in Virginia ;P
So to summarize this: I rather go back to Indiana of course but I might be looking forward to Germany just a little bit now ;)

The End!

Cu soon if you're from Germany, cu latest in a year when you're from Indiana ;)

P.S: No Internet in the ranch apparently that's why this is late ;) I'm in Montana right now on the outskirts of yellowstone national park I'll right about my Ranch trip and Yellowstone as soon as I get back to Virginia ! :D

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