Saturday, June 13, 2009

How fun and happiness can turn into being sad and tears :O

Yes, everybody it's true I left Indiana, my beloved Indiana! I'm currently on the plane to Virginia and from there I'll be going on a trip out west before I catch my flight back to Germany on the 12th of July :O So my last week over here, probably you all want to know how it was: Okay here we go :D On the one side I had SO much fun and it was really, really awesome, but on the other side time just went by too fast and I'm so sad it's all over now ): ): This entry is gonna be both a normal entry and the end of my awesome time here! I love everything here SO much and I really don't wanna live without The garage, the neighborhood, Andrean and my stay would have sucked without the following people:

Sandy + Lou (the BEST host parents EVER and they are just frickin' amazing :> Thx for everything! I love you)

Erin (the crazy American girl, pls don't cry anymore, your the most fun chick I ever met! :) ;P I love you!)

Lauren (sweetest and nicest girl ever :> I'm gonna miss txting u till 1 in the morning till u pass out each day so much :D I love you!)

Ryan ( My best friend in the short time I hung out with him! Bro, u don't know how much I'm gonna miss u, we had SO MUCH fun together ): I love you! No Homo! :D)

Even though the picture quality isn't the best I just really like this picture :>

Zac (Omg, You've been my friend since the time I came here, since the first day! :> Man I love You in a no-homo way and you better come to Germany so u actually get to use your Bierstein! :D)

No of course this isn't real ;P

These are pretty much the people, I met over here, that are the most important to me, but there are so many others I need to mention especially the people from school, even though I didn't hang out with them outside of school, they still were good friends and awesome people :D So here we go a long list of names :) I will put picture on sporadically from this point my grandparents don't have the best internet connection so it takes kinda long :O

All the people I will miss:

Paul Crowley (I love him too (No Homo ;P) but he didn't hang out with everybody else 24/7 like the others that's why he didn't make it to the picture section ;P) , Rachel, JanayNay (:D), Nathan, Stephen, Jon, Collin, Little Lou, Missy(America ;P), Matt , Big Bryan, all the people I went paintballing with and forgot their names already (sorry guys ;P), Bob, all of Little Lou's friends, Nick (aww I can't put that nickname here ;P), that Ozzy-chick (katherine haha don't ask), Robin, Blaire, Monika, Jill, Denzell, Luqmann (! :D), Liz, Cameron, Kyle, Fetcko (Nicholas ;P), Nicholas (Ryan's brother), Peter (same), Paul Kulesa (:>!), Masie, Mary, Candy, Kelly, Geoff, Darius, Andrea, Maddie (Winter formal lol), Znika Bros (Andrew and Ivan! :)), Teglia (Anthony :D), Andre, the Donut people (lol), our best friend at CVS (haha), Dae Sang (fo sho bro fo sho! :D), Meghan, Scott, Michael, my teachers (some of them ;P special mentioning ofc: Mr. Clark, hate-love relationship you hate him so much for all the work he gives you and the impossible tests, but you love him for his lessons haha), Kat and Jeff, Beth and Bill, all the other parents of who I don't know the names ;P, ART! (I LOVE that kid (no homo ofc lol), even though he left , at least it seems that way, such a long time ago :O), Jun Hi (LOL he was an … ******* but sometimes fun ;D), everybody from the bus I didn't mention everybody from school I talked to I didn't mention yet, everybody from the bus not mentioned, everybody who ever was at the garage and I forgot, Sol (mmh yes, I won't say anything, bc it very well might turn out mean ;P), everybody I ever talked to and never got their names and just every single person I ever met, because EVERYBODY was SO nice to me :) AMERICA IS AWESOME I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!!! :>

Two days later I now continue this entry :D I still miss Crown Point SO much and it's very hard for me but everything has an end I guess ): Anyways here goes the regular blog entry :D

It was the last week of school so it was just reviewing/ watching movies/playing games on Monday and Tuesday before the finals started on Wednesday. For all the Germans that have no idea about how finals work: You go to a classroom for 1 and a half hours and take the test (which is probably the longest and hardest one all year), then you have 30 mins of break, before you go to your second final that day. This happened on Wednesday and Thursday and since Andrean then got out at 11:30, I had a lot of time to spend with Ryan, since Merrillville didn't have their finals till Fri and Mon … On Thur we both went swimming in Zac's pool while all the others were at school, that was fun ;P

On Tuesday, since it was the last regular day of school, I also took my camera to school and took some random pictures, but those will be added later, since the connection here really isn't too fast and I don't like waiting for the upload ;) On Wednesday I had my math and science finals (both pretty easy, I think I did pretty good :>) and on Thursday the History (easy, as always ;)) and English (not hard, but since it was a lot of vocabulary and I didn't study at all I might not have done THAT good ;P) ones. Thursday was the first kinda sad day, since it was the last time I was going to see a lot of people in school, but on the other side I got out of school, that's a good thing too :D My 10-week-vacation this year started :> AWESOME!!! (I'm still sad though I'm not gonna see all these cool people again ):)

Anyways Friday! Another “big” Adventure, Six Flags Great America WOHOOOO!!!! :> Since Merrillville still had school (Haha ;P) it ended up being only Sol, her friend Kenisha, Ryan and me going there but we still had an AWESOME, AWESOME time :> We also got a VERY good deal (I can't really write why, I will tell everybody when I get to Germany ;-) ) and it was so much fun :> The only bad thing: I lost my camera on the “Raging Bull”, so no cool videos from on the Roller coasters (Yeah I really took 2 or 3 of those ;P) and no pictures till Monday, but that's okay since I wouldn't be able to upload them anyways with this connection ;) So Six Flags, awesome roller coasters like Raging Bull, Superman, or (my favorite :D) BATMAN!!!!! (Omg that one was so much fun due to mine and Ryan's yelling, I just love you man, I love you in a no homo way ! :D) We got to the park at about 11:00 Am and left at about 8:00 PM so we had a lot of time where we rode every single roller coaster (okay besides the kids one ;P) and just had an awesome time (Okay this may sound mean but it's true, me and Ryan had a lot more fun after we split up with the two girls ;P). Some random fun people we met: guys telling us about how people died on roller coasters (that was umm interesting ;D), 3 mexican chicks (I would guess aged around 30), that were CLEARLY hitting on us and even took Pictures with us, lol were probably on some random facebook now ;D, and a guy and his 2 little kids we talked to about Germany ofc :D

Overall it was an awesome day but we got home at about 11, so the day wasn't over haha GARAGE!!!! It was the usual people pretty much (which by now are quite a lot ;D) and we had a lot of fun, and here's the story how I got in trouble a bit that night ;P Sandy told me the curfew for that night was 12; that's when my friends have to leave, so I followed that rule exactly and my friends left exactly at 12, what she didn't say (or I didn't get Idk...) was that I was supposed to stay home after that too, so not knowing that I left with them and we hung out in the park till 2:30 and Sandy was a bit upset when I came back ;P It's not like I got in any big trouble, don't be afraid, it just was a misunderstanding and that's okay :>


DRIVE TEST AWWWW!!! :O I was SO scared but it turned out to not be that hard haha, I had only one mistake (parking too far away from the curb while parallel parking (kinda what I aimed for, if you HIT the curb you flunk instantly if you park too far away it's just one mistake point P)) so it wasn't all too bad, but I can tell you I was VERY nervous ;)

After that I somehow forgot what we did, no pictures because of my broken camera didn't really help that haha, I think it was the usual people hanging out in the park though ;P. The only thing I remember: We bought fireworks for the night, my last garage party ): So here is the story of who all showed up that night, it was pretty amazing and even Lou was stunned about how much friends I actually have made (just in that neighborhood ;P) and he said it's more than every exchange student they had has made (that made me feel really good right there ;)). The list of people there: Erin, Lauren, Ryan, Paul C, Zac, Devan , Janay, Nathan, Nicholas Fetcko, Dae Sang (okay he's not really from that neighborhood ;P), Luqmann!! (first time he came wohoo! ;)), Big Bryan, his friend, Sol (kinda I guess... ^^), Lou and Sandy ofc, Jeff and Kathrina and some other neighbors ;D and ME :> Again my camera was still broken, which kinda sucked but that's okay we had an AWESOME, AWESOME time and did a lot of fireworks (you wouldn't believe how much fireworks you can get for 25 $ in Indiana ;P and both Zay and Ryan said they know places where they can get 10 times the amount for the same price ;D). Anyways it was lots of fun and I really am thankful that all my friends showed up and made it such an awesome time for me :D


Planned: Paintball, it got canceled because the wife of a very good friend of Little Lou's had a bad car accident so he stayed in the hospital with them, understandable :)

I hung out with friends 24 h (haha almoust ;P), let's see: starting with Zac and Devan at Zac's place, going to Burger King with Erin, Janay and Jill (okay I didn't know her before, but she's cool ;)) , to Tennis with Lauren (okay I suck at tennis Ik that now ;P But that's okay still fun! ;D) and meeting up with Nathan, Janay, Erin and Jill again in the park (Lauren was still there..) we had a lot of fun that day and I pretty much was out of the house from 11 AM till 10 PM ;) It was a lot of fun, no pictures again I'm very sorry still didn't have a camera haha.


Merrillville still had school (haha), Ryan was grounded (okay Id even know why this time, his parents are umm interesting ;)), so I kinda decided that it was time to get a new camera ;P (Okay I decided that a lot earlier, but really I had to wait for my parent's okay to buy a new one in a email that took some time ;P) I biked to radioshack and got my SWEET new camera! :> 10 Megapixels, HD Videos (haha you will see some of those when I get to Germany, connection too slow to upload here you know ;P), Blur Reduction and Smart Capturing (Okay I just read that from the package not that somebody thinks I new that from memory ;P), but what matters, the pictures it takes turn out good ;D (5 of those up there are taken with my new camera, can u guess which ones? ;D). When I got home school was almost out for Merrillville, so I waited for them to finish their last school day and then Lauren, Erin, Zac and me went to jump into Zac's pool again, that was a lot of fun :> I got pictures of Erin, Zac and me; Lauren wouldn't let me take any pictures of her in her bathing suit, Idk why though ;) , but again the connection speed keeps me from uploading pictures maybe I will add them sometime later when I'm REALLY bored ;P

Anyways, the rest of the day was a lot of fun too, it ended up being the usual people (Ryan (yeah his parents let him outside later I really don't get “being grounded” over here, parents ground people for a bunch of BS (like for example Lauren got grounded one time for “doing her homework too late” lol), but then they let them go outside and hang out O.o), Erin, me and later Lauren (she had a Softball game , but it got canceled … )) just hanging out, going to CVS and playing Pig (or actually we played “Schwein” but okay ;D) at Ryan's house (it's a basketball game for all you uneducated Germans :P ;)) late at night :D.

Tuesday: Almoust leaving, awww ):

We decided to get up really early that day, but we kinda failed, because I wouldn't even wake up when Erin rang the bell 1230041 times ;D Eventually I woke up though and it was the day I had to say goodbye to Zac, because he was leaving on his fishing trip and isn't coming back for another week or two, so that was really, really sad ): But Ryan and me then went on a little bike trip to Dunkin Donuts haha it was fun (actually we wanted to go farther, but then Lou called, bc...) and I also got MY LICENSE THAT DAY WOHOOOO!!!! :D Lou took me to the BMV, I took the written test (wasn't scared at all about that one ;P passed with two wrong (okay who needs to know the legal speed limit in a residential area and an urban highway when you follow the signs anyways ;P)), he signed for financial Liability (Thx btw haha), I signed and paid the fee (id remember what it was, like 15 $ I think, but Idk) and now I'm the legal Owner of an Indiana Probationary (Anybody under 18 gets that, only means I'm restricted for 90 days to drive either alone or with somebody over 21 with a license, somebody signed for my financial liability and I have a curfew of 1- 5 on weekends and 11-5 on weekdays, that shouldn't make a difference in Germany though haha) Driver's license and can drive YAY! After that Ryan me and Erin just hung out in the park and then later Erin's mom took us to Red Robin's haha a good Burger Place that was fun :> (Lauren was at Six flags with the orchestra that day btw ;D) We then watched Superbad (Haha nice movie ;)) before I had to be home. It was a lot of fun haha and ofc (I never write n that but it happened like every day ;P) I txted till late at night with everybody (Especially Lauren, she's up the latest haha).

Wednesday! AWWWW LAST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

We actually managed to get up early; I gave Erin my key so she could wake me haha, I packed all my stuff before Erin had to go babysit at Kathrina's :O Ryan and me then headed off with our bikes to the square again YAY! (We tried waking Lauren up btw but she was sleeping in that day, apparenty ;P) We had a lot of fun just walking into each store (Omg the gay (literally lol) Art museum remember that? ;D) talking to people, buying some good Popcorn before we then headed home and picked up sleepyhead Lauren that was awake by then ;P We just hung out all day and it was a lot of fun, Thanks everybody SO much, even the random people in the park I took pictures with haha and the “skater gang” lol ;D

Later that day it got SO sad though and everybody had to make it hard for me ;P Jk but it was tears and more tears and goodbyes and AWWW!!!! It was really sad ): and it made me feel really bad too ) :O THANK YOU EVERYBODY SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH! I had the BEST time of my life in Indiana and I miss it so much already ): I wish I could come back next year people I love you all ! :)

(Pics follow later ofc ;D)


The day I left, more tears in the morning for the last time when I left (they all even got up early to say bye :> THX!!!!! :)) and then a day of txting and talking on the phone to them, it was really really hard and I miss all the people so SO much ): Sandy then took me to the airport and it was hard saying good by to her too ofc! My host parents were AWESOME!!!! Thank You Sandy and Lou you made my stay SO much fun and I'm gonna miss you SO much ):

That's it about Indiana and stories from Virginia and Wyoming as well as more Pictures will follow later, folks :>

I miss Crown Point, I had the BEST time of my life there so far and I wish I could be there right now :> Ladies and Gentleman, whoever is reading this, when you EVER have the chance to do an exchange to any place DO IT!!!! It's SO much fun and it's just the greatest experience you can possibly imagine :) Peopl in Crown Point, I miss you so much and I love you all :> If you don't show up in Germany I'm gonna come and kick ur asses ;P

THE END !!!!!!!!!!!! ):

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