Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lame exchange students, Indy trip and an interesting sunday lol

Oh no the last week of school is coming up :O ;P jk ofc I'm happy, that school is done in 4 days, but on the other side that means I only have 10 days left in Indiana, not counting today :O That is really sad, America is awesome, awesome and I'm really enjoying myself here, especially since its warm enough to be outside and now I'm hanging out with my friends almoust 24/7 :D

So this week, it was only 4 days, since we had monday off as I told you last time, so it went over rather quickly, also because we don'tt do anything in any class anymore, it was the last week of "real" school, since this week Tue through Thu are final exams :D Even though my teachers didn't do anything IN school they gave us all these "last-grade-bring-your-grade-up" projects -.-" So tue I was doing a lab report, thursday a essay and the only day I was able to hang out was wednesday :O I did with Erin/Rachel/Ryan(+ Kyle, his brother) (not all at the same time haha divided over the whole day :D) My grades are all A's again this quarter, idk how I did it, but I did somehow haha

So the weekend :)


1. Went to CVS with Rachel/Lauren/Janay haha, very awkward situation being there while they were looking at makeup O.o I needed minutes for my phone, that's the only reason I went ;P

2. Lame exchange student party :O It was at the house of the guidance counsellor Mrs. Reed and after we pulled into the driveway of a random person, because we had the wrong adress (that was funny the guy looked at us like: Who the **** is this?! :D) we got to her house at about 5 :45. A couple of things made it really bad, for one it's never a party when your parents (even though they are "only" your host parents :P) are invited, and also EXCHANGE STUDENTS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES ARE RETARDS!!! :P No jk, but they ALWAYS talk in their own language :O So what it was, was essentially a korean group on the one side, a spanish-speaking group on the other side and me, a guy from Hongkong and the host parents talking english :O That's exactly the reason why I don't like hanging out with exchange students and why I think Germans are just the best exchange students :O (not because I'm German myself, it's just the truth, sorry :O) We NEVER ever start talking German, even if we meet here, there's just no point, for one it's just plain rude and retarded and secondly all these people claim they came here to learn how to speak english better and then they don't do it?! That doesn't make sence to me but okay :P

3. Garage! :D FUN! :) Besides the fact that all my friends were txting me while I was at the party: "When are you coming back?!?! We want to hang out in the garage ! :D" there already was a party going on when we got back :) Little Lou had come and brought some of his friends :) FUN! :D People that showed up pretty much immediantely after I got home were: Lauren, Ryan, Erin and Crowley :) We then walked to CVS at like 10:20, because Ryan said they were open till 10:30 but when we got there, ofc it had closed at 10 :O :P At least we got to talk to a guy named Bruce, who was sitting there waiting for his ride, and he told us his life story of him selling magazines as a living and having just gotten taken his license away for speeding :D He was pretty cool ;D We had alot of fun that night, but since I couldn't find my camera (it was under my bed :O No idea how it got there :P) there are no pictures and I went to bed kinda early anyways since we had to get up really early the next day for:

Saturday: INDIANAPOLIS ROAD TRIP!!! WOHOOO! :D Supposed to go: Sol, Sandy, me and Lauren. People that actually went: Sandy, me and Lauren haha, somehow Sol bailed out in the morning :P
We still had alot of fun though, even though the trip started WAY to early, we left at 6 AM (after only like 3 h of sleep for me AWW!!! ;P) :O The first gas station we pulled into I got some energy drinks then ofc, since I was dying of tiredness :P The ride was fun, especially since we listened to some funny weird radio show where they were asking questions like: "For how much money would you burn you country's flag in your backyard?" xD We had some breakfast at a McDonalds (which was very... interesting (to put it nicely ;)) before we reached our first stop in Indy: The Indianapolis speed way, where the Indy 500 is held and where the F1 race used to be. We were in the museum there, which was interesting and as soon as I told anybody I was German they would say : "Michael Schumacher land?" :D

Just some randomly taken pictures of cars in the museum

After that we went to downtown Indy and visited the Indiana State Museum (after having some trouble finding the parking garage lol). It was very interesting and featured everything from Indiana's history over the history of the earth to Birds living here (and a weird guy in a video making bird sound ;P ) and was pretty huge :D We also went to the IMAX 3D movie theatre there, and they showed a REALLY amazing movie (I mean Ofc I've been in an IMAX before, but this movie really was just amzing!) called "Under the Sea 3D" and it featured some incredible pictures from underwater :O And some animals I have never seen before :D
Just a cool thingy that was in the museum, I don't feel like uploading anymore pictures most of them are kinda dark :P

After that we walked to the Zoo and saw a little bit of Indy while walking :) Apparently Indy is a VERY empty city though, we saw like 5 people on the way, so no fun while talking to random people :D
The canal
River! :D

The Zoo was very cool and we had alot of fun there, seeing everything from ice bears to Elephants :D Especially the monkeys were cool :D The Baboons were really angry at me when I picked something up to throw it at the one baboon so he started screaming and glancing mean at me :P So I didn't throw it haha. Overall it was alot of fun there and they had a free Dolphin show which we went to see, and it was really, really amazing with Dolphins doing crazy jumps, turns, splashing and flips :D

A "Dragon of Komodia", which can apparently eat a whole water buffalo :O

Rhinos being fed :D
Baboons :>
Really dark and out of focus, but only picture I had from that day that actually shows people :P In the Dolphin show, Lauren and me

After that we went to the capitol of Indiana and had dinner in a really cool italian restaurant, which was set up as a maze so you couldn't find the way to your own table haha :P (not even kidding :D) I don't have anymore pictures of that time though, my memory card was full :D (178 pictures lol). We then drove back home and Lauren and me watched "Reservoir Dogs" in the car, a very umm interesting but confusing movie lol (it kinda starts at the end and brings in all these different parts of the stories in flashbacks :O), we both were lost after 30 mins haha.

But that's okay :P We got home at about 7 o' clock but the day wasn't over of course :D the garage was more or less filled that night again with Crowley, Erin, Lauren, Ryan (and his parents for some time :D). Cameron (Ryan's older brother), Jeff and Big Bryan showing up :D We first walked to CVS to get some energy drinks (long day, I was tired! :P) and then ryan and crowley put on make-up at Erin's house lol, Idk why they wanted to look Emo haha it looked really funny, but I didn't get any pictures :O I didn't empty my camera's memory card till this afternoon :P We had alot of fun that night :D


I got up at 1 PM (well I was tired u know :P) and then, after having talked to my mom on the phone (No fun ! ;P jk mom! ;)) I first watched Ryan work for Bill (Zac's stepdad...) , then did some lawnmowing for sandy and then went to play Tennis with Lauren :) When we (Erin, Lauren and me) got to the park, where the tennis courts are some old people were playing tennis, and they didn't leave till we had to go lol so no tennis for us (they're so rude ;P) :P But that's okay we did some swinging (O.o idk ^^), talked to a random guy named Bryan, who told us about Andrean and Merrillville High school and gave us some coke when his family left the park and just hung out xD After that we hung out outside of Erin's place and then met a senior of Merrillville High school, who knew both Lauren and Erin so we talked and then walked Lauren home, went to CVS and then I got here and started writing this :D

Long exhausting weekend and I'm up late again! :O shame on me ;P But that's okay tomorrow is the last real day of school so there won't be anything going on anyways (sleeping time for me ;P jk Idk movie time in most classes probably ^^)

The End

P.S: Zac was at his dad's again just if you were wondering ^^

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