Monday, May 25, 2009

Guest writers are a thing of the past! ;) Now it's all my job again, be prepared people! :D

Looks Cool doesn't it? ;) i like this picture alot I'm Tarzan oh yeah ;) Jk read later where this was taken... ;)

Oh yeah, a 4-day awesome, awesome, awesome Weekend just ended with a last part of awesomeness haha, that's why my blog is one day late, I don't like writing an entry and then missing part of the awesomeness that happens ;)

So here we go: A week of school :O More or less boring, but I got to see two interesting things, besides the usual people hanging out like almoust every day now, due to the less serious school, due to the upocming end of school ;) : On Tuesday the Merrillville Orchestra performed and I got to see it together with Ryan, that was fun! :D They're actually pretty decent too, and I played 3 of the songs they performed before ;D : Mambo No. 5 ; Slovak Dance by Dvorak and a Waltz, of which I totally forgot the name already haha. I went together with Ryan an Erin's family and Ryan and me had alot of fun watching all the people we knew, play (Lauren, Erin, Paul Crowley, Monika, Katherine), and we were the ones clapping the loudest and longest, oh yeah! ;) At the end we were also the ONLY ones giving standing ovations, that was kinda embarassing, but it's all good as Ryan would say :D

Besides that, Thursday night I went to see Lauren play Softball ! That was fun too, they dominated the other team though kinda, they won like 21:4 or something riddicolous! :) It was really fun though and I got to show my skills at cheering again haha, compared to the tennis match the people at softball actually were loud :P Lauren played 3rd base and in the end pitcher, and even though I really don't have too much clue of soft/baseball it looked good I guess, so I'm just gonna say she's very good :P On Thursday, since AHS (bc of Prom) and Lou were off Friday, the garage was open of course, but nobody really was there so I just went to bed early to be prepared for the next days ;)

Lauren, Thursday night after the softball game, still in her uniform

Now the awesome weekend! I'm even gonna go so far and say, that it was the most fun weekend so far, just from the stuff we did (not really the garage this weekend, it was alot of fun too and quite some crowds, but the other stuff was more interesting this weekend :D).


A day off, no school!!!! Yeah, fun! ;D I hung out with Ryan all day pretty much (he's homeschooled, Idk if I told you that yet, so he doesn't really need to attend school at certain times...) and we had a lot of fun :) We started walking to downtown Crown Point at about 11 and reached "the square", after having stopped at Dairy Queen for some ice cream (Yummy! ;D), after a good hour and a half :) There we checked out the "courthouse" and the shops in there, Ryan got a haircut, we went throught the little museum in the courthouse for 50 ct (it actually was pretty interesting, for example an Astronaut who was in the ISS is from Crown Point...), walked into a bar and didn't get kicked out (haha, that was funny, ofc bars are 21+ but apparently nobody really cared at 1 PM ;)), talked to a old guy in his modell train store about how he used to be in Germany with the airforce and liked Trier (he was pretty cool haha), checked out the millions of antique stores on the square and got some Hot Dogs :D We had a lot of fun and walked back at about 2:45 PM, when the Merrillville kids were just getting out of school, haha ;P We reached our subdivision at about 3:30 hung out with Erin for some time, before we headed off home and waited for the night in the garage to start :P

It took some time to get it started (even Zac was late :O) but we then had a pretty big crowd there (it was so funny, I was txting Lauren and telling her she needed to come , because nobody was at the garage, so then, when I walked to get her (she actually was grounded, but was allowed to go because she had cleaned the whole house all day so she could go ;)) everybody showed up and when we got back the garage was filled up pretty good already haha :)) People there were: Lauren, me, Paul Crowley, Erin and Katherine (came late that night), Zac and his Buddy Devan, the Stephen guy and his buddy Jon (new! ;P), Colin (a guy apparently living in our street, he rides the bus, no idea why he never was there before), Ryan ofc and even Andre showed up for some time later that night :D We had tons of fun, but my camera was out of batteries that night so only one picture ;P

Crowley with, ... Lauren's purse ;P


TONS OF FUN!!!!! :D Yay that day really was fun, we (Lauren, Erin, Ryan) and me had planned to go bike riding the night before, so we started that at about 2 PM (even though Ryan and me started gearing up at 12 lol, Erin took like 2 hours to get ready O.o). We went, after a quick stop at CVS for some minutes and batteries for my camera (important ;P) (lol I'm not kidding you, Ik all the cashiers there by now and they like all know our group and say hi ;P), to the bike trail I had gone on for a ride quite some time ago. We biked all the way to Griffith High School, stopping at a fun Ice Cream store on the way, scraming very loud in a tunnel (haha :D), checking out a cool bridge (the first photo, remember?! ;D), doing some random stuff and saying WHAT'S UP? to everybody we met on the way :D.

Biking is fun :)

AWW RYAN IS GOING TO FALL!!! Haha jk, the bridge was fun! And I like the lighting in this picture ;D

Ice Cream Store :D
Griffith High School :D We randomly met Erin's cousin Rachel there btw ;D
Oh yeah, Umm can someone explain to me the point of the Stop Ahead sign 10 feet before the stop sign?! ;)
End of bikeride, Ryan, yeah, he is out of the picture kinda ;)

As you can see, we had alot of fun and it was pretty frickin' awesome :) We got home at about 6 PM...

But the day was far from over after this :D Sol's Bday party was that night so we all headed home changed clothes and showered (yeah I was pretty dirty after half falling into the stream under the bridge (yeah I kinda left that part out on purpose ;P)) and met up again at like 8 o'clock. Besides us 4 actually quite the crowd showed up :) : LouLou (yeah Idk, Sol's best friend (Korean exchange student), her name apparently is unpronouncable so everybody just calls her LouLou haha), Maise and Meghan (Ik them from music class! :>) Kenisha (History), Shelby (History and Homeroom lol), Bryonna (Idk her but it wasn't my party either haha), Saskia (Exchange student from Germany Sol knows from different tripy by the organisation), Big Bryan and his buddy Greg, Zac ofc and Little Lou and Missy all showed up so it was good times :D, even though Erin, Lauren, Ryan and me had to run to CVS really fast at some point, (since Lauren had forgotten to buy a card :O), but we pretended it was for Energy Drinks ;P No pictures really, because umm, Idk ^^
Lauren and Erin at the party... I took like 5 pictures that night and this one was the only one that turned out kinda decent...


MORE FUN!!!! :) After Sandy got home from church that day her, Lou, me, Sol and Erin (Okay would have brought more friends ofc, but Sandy didn't want me to, but that's okay of course :)), went to the beach of Lake Michigan :) It was lots of fun, even the water still was ICY cold :P Erin and me still did some water splashing and then ran up the sand dunes to get warm (that's harder than it looks, okay ;P) . The beach looks just like one on one of the oceans and there really is no difference, besides that this water is sweet no salty ;) After that we had some KFC chicken (yummy ;D) and then went off to go for walk in the woods that were right by... It was alot of fun overall and we spent about 5-6 h at the beach and in the woods right there. I won't upload that many pictures really, for those interested, click here , that's the pictures Lou and Sandy took with their camera, they got a picture server they upload it to...

The Lake...

One of the Dunes :)...
...up on the Dune :)

The day of course wasn't over yet, since Monday was off too for us, so here the short story: After some dinner at Ryan's house (Barbecue #1 ...;)) , not many people at the garage, only Erin, me, Ryan, Zac, Kathrina and Jeff, and Ryan's brother Kyle showed up but it still was good, especially since Ryan, Erin and me headed off to Ryan's house later that night and just hung out around a camp fire they had going on :) We didn't leave that till 12 AM and it was just good to chill there together with Ryan's older brothers Cameron and Kyle ;)


Happy Memorial's day! Think of all the men fallen in wars, that's what it's about pretty much, so Lou took me and Zac for a trip to the "Munster War Memorial", a big memorial "garden" which is pretty cool, and they had some speeches there and a marching band playing... It was pretty cool and it was pretty sweet seeing all the patriotism you would NEVER EVER see in Germany... :/ Yeah not much to say about it really it was pretty cool though :>

WWI memorial part
The celebration part with cannon shots that day

"The forgotten War" memorial (Korea ;))

At the end of the walkway this was put up, just read it I thought it was kinda cool ...

But that's not all that happened today, after we got home, I started planning another trip to the movies, but because of various reasons (don't even ask haha american Teenagers kinda problems of people txting NO! YES! NOT WITH HIM/HER! OH YEAH! DIFFERENT MOVIE! NO! YEAH! LET'S GO! NO! WHATEVER! at the same time to each other ;P) that didn't really work out haha. Anyways Erin, Ryan and me met up and then walked to get Lauren (this time we had to wait for her changing and getting ready like 15 min, but that's okay haha(, before we just walked around the neighborhood and CVS of course (Donuts and Chocolate lol) and had lots of fun just doing random stuff (like I gave some of the Donuts to some random kids on the street, Lauren was cracking up on that very bad ^^ or we talked to some nice, unknown people playing Bags). We then went off and had dinner at Ryan's place again (another Barbecue :D). It overall, even though we didn't manage to go to the movies (that seems harder in the US than doing ANYTHING else ;P), was LOTS of fun and one last picture of our little group at the barbecue, will be the end of this EXHAUSTING weekend :)

Lauren, Ryan, Erin and Me (yeah mine and Ryan's faces look... interesting ;P In the background is one of Ryan's little brothers btw, it's Nicholas...)

THE END!!!!!

P.S: I'm SO tired this weekend, you can't belive it, 4 days in a row with more or less a lot of exercise and not enough sleep each night (okay actually probably enough, but Idk ... ;P), so I'm going to sleep right now so I'm not dying tomorrow in school (I will anyways, I'm ALWAYS SO tired ins school here, getting up at 6:15 still just feels wrong ;P)

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