Sunday, March 29, 2009

Boringness + Cars, Drivers Ed, Buckleys Farm and what I miss about Germany :D

Only 8 days of school till spring break !!!!!!!!!!! :) (Father Quantz (principal of AHS), added Thursday to spring break, so thank him for one more day off :D)

So another week has passed (it seems to go really fast :O), so what was special about it?!
School is still easy and there's no problems, I don't know why I even care to write it, it's not really going to change anyways I think :D. There was something special this week though: "Retreat" on Wednesday: A church kinda thing, you have no classes, but go in a small group (it's only a part of each grade that goes together) to learn about god and get to think about yourself, have mass in the Sister's chapel (Sisters of St. Paul) and play some games like: You all run around in a circle, then one of the teachers calls a number and you need to form groups with as many people as the number. Whoever isn't in a group is out... It's actually fun, even if my explanation may not seem that way :D

I also had 3 drivers ed' lessons this week and those are good to, I now know some signs, the two second rule and stuff like: 70 % of rear-end collisoins happen with a stationary vehicle involved :D Drivers Ed takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-8 PM and on Saturdays from 10-Noon. Driving lessons I need to schedule myself with the instructors and I'll start doing that next week I think :)

Now the part with pictures :) WEEEEKKKKEEEENNND!! :D

WHAT'S THAT?!? Bryan's cool house :D

Yes, Bryan took me to see his house on Fridays late afternoon. And he has a awesome collection of NASCAR stuff :)
From a real used NASCAR car, signed by the whole crew!
Stuff ! :D

He said all the stuff he's got is worth about 120 k $ O:O He also has a huge TV (ofc ;D) and an awesome stereo :) Zac told me his collection is one of the Top 5 of the US... He has like a thousand of the model cars, many signed, and any merchandise you can imagine :O
CARS!!!! :D

He was kinda sick though, so he decided not to come back to the garage that night, which was really bad since seriously NOBODY was there that night besides Sol,me and Lou...

This song, which was on like 3 times that night on the radio station we were listening to describes how I felt (Not really, I wasn't depressed I'm just kidding ;D I was pretty bored though :D)

Saturday: I had drivers ed in the morning and after that Sandy took me to see "Buckleys Farm" a old place from 1910 where you could see the actual barn and the farm house as well as a Indian camp and a "Pioneers Farm" :)A Man dressed like on of the early pioneers (I think ;))

It was really cool and interesthing, but as you can see from the thick jacket I'm wearing it was really cool again this weekend :/ Especially the Indian camp was interesting, because there were some native Indians there, that told you about how they used to live there
A tent in the Indian camp

Now we come to the point where I actually missed something from Germany (doesn't happen to often ;P), I had some very good gyros in the restaurant we went for lunch, and it reminded me of good old turkish DÖNER Kebap! :D I really want some now, but you can't get it anywhere here ... :/

Saturday night was not as boring too: Erin and her parents, Jeff, his dad and Katrina as well as Jun Hi (n/c on how he looked that night, "gay" probably wouldn't fit it anymore ;P) showed up, so I had some fun :) (For those who were asking themselves who everybody else was this weekend: I only know Lauren was out of town somewhere, Zac was at his dads again(he has to go there till after spring break every weekend :/) and Andre was in Gary, no Idea why none of the "older" people like Little Lou showed up...) Also this weekend was the first Formula One race of the season, which was one at 1 in the morning which I then watched before I went to bed :D (Really interesting race too btw, because of all the new regulations that came this season :D)...

Sunday: Just a day spent hangin' around the house not really doing anything useful, because it was SNOWING and too cold to ride the bike :/ The weather was really crazy though, since in the afternoon the snow had melted again... Tonight I played some pool with Zac after he came back from his dads, but it really wasn't very warm in the garage :/

So this weekend wasn't the best I had over here, but it wasn't really bad either, got to see Buckleys, a small crowd on saturday night and learned some stuff for driving :D Next week you can look forward to some pictures of friends of mine in AHS, I'm planning to invite some of them (but you never know if they actually show up, since they all live kinda far from here and even though the Juniors I know mostly drive, they don't all have cars and don't get rides all the time, but we will see :D)


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