Monday, January 5, 2009

Less than one Day left in Germany!

There it is, the day of departure is almoust there. Tomorrow my plane leaves Germany, and I'll at last (after so many things that had to be done) touch US ground and hopefully have a lot of fun for half a year.

Today also the excitement hit me as I realised, that from tomorrow on, I won't see my friends, parents, relatives and anybody I know here till I come back! But after awhile all the fun I'm hopefully going to have came back to my mind and my excitement came to a normal level again.

At the moment I'm packing the last stuff into my suitcases (yes plural I'm allowed to take 2 suitcases of up to 23 kg, and I'm taking about 20 kg in each (which in my opinion is too much,but my mum thinks I need to take so much things I won't need for the first 3 months anyways...)) and the rucksack I'm taking on the plane, so my new Laptop, from which I'm writing this, will be going into it just after I'm finished with this. Just to give you a little impression of the chaos in my suitcases before I repacked them some minutes ago:

So this is probably the last thing you will hear from me before I'm in the US and from then on I'll try and blog once a week about all the cool things that'll do and that'll happen to me ;)

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