Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Destination reached!

After I've got Internet on my Laptop just 10 minutes ago (it's encrypted and just Mrs. Oseguera has the password...) I'm now ready to give all you readers the first update on my trip :)

On my leaving day I really was excited about the whole exchange, but after having checked in and beeing rid of the suitcases excitement set down to a reasonable level. Of course my Mom cried when saying good bye to me, but hey, probably any mum would have.
My flight to the US was more or less comfortable, the plane was fine, since it had tvs at every seat in economy class, so you were able to choose from various channels (they even showed a show of House, M.D ;) ). But on the other side my seat wasn't the best, since the plane was packed with people (btw: what's with people from India travelling to the US, there were like 20 of them in just the part of the plane I was sitting in) and I didn't see any free space, I had to sit in the middle of the middle row, which always makes it uncomfortable, since you can't move your legs as freely and can't get up as easily.

After reaching Chicago I first was in a bit of a hurry since my flight had been late and I had to go through Immigration, customs, go to another terminal, go through security (just btw, it's very ridiculous to take off your shoes at security in my opinion but okay...) and find the right gate in about 1 hour, but since my next plane was 20 min late already, it worked out quite ok. After I waited for about 20 minutes at the gate, I boarded and then the real waiting began: We waited 1 hour for the start, taxied on the ground for about 20 min total, with a flight time of aprox. 15 min !!!! How can it be any more ridiculous?!? Well at least for those 15 min I had more space since the seat next to me was free... (Didn't do me too much good though, since we weren't even allowed to take off our seat belts...)

But I reached South Bend just fine and my host mom was waiting. After another one and a half hours of driving we reached her house, which is very nice and I also have a nice room:

I also met my guest sister today, she's very nice and her name's Sol( she's from south korea...)
Today I was allowed to stay at home which I did and so I took some pictures of the house (they got a really nice "party" garage), but I won't upload them today, but instead I'll show you a picture of the dog they have, his name's Kelco and he's really nice...

Tomorrow's first school day, and since I have to get up at 5:45 (school bus schedule.... ):) I'll go to bed soon....

Look Forward to my next Post, possibly with more picture of the house and the cool garage (with a pool table and a flipper...)...

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