Sunday, May 3, 2009

Guest writers!!! YAY!!! ERIN!! PAUL!!!! oh and me ofc writing too much stuff ;P

Hey there, lookin good!!!! haha this is Daniel's secret American hoe (haha just kidding) I'm sitting here with Daniel and Paul. It's really fun here. With my two favoritest people ever!!! Haha So I'm gonna be really sad when Daniel leaves, but that's okay. We've had so much fun so far, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the time. He's a really cool guy! Ahhh.......that's alright I bet he'll never forget this psycho American girl he broke a sign in Lou's garage with. The last weekend was fun. We wanted to go to the movies, but, Daniel screwed that up! haha jk. So we just stayed at teh garage. we hung out here played stupid games, then I went home around two. Saturday was tons of fun, we went to a world war two reenactment. It was amazing, definetely something you don't get in history class. Afterwards, we went to Ponderosa. YUMMY!! It was good. then I had to go to a fancy party, and came back later that night in a dress. Haha. Hmmmmm then we watched movies! oh funnnnn. Then my brother called, and I had to go home. Darn but that's okay. Now, we're sitting here in the garage and like always, IT'S FUN!!! Hmmmm everyone here is awesome: loucifer, Sandy, Daniel, and Sol!! woo! I hope we don't get the Swine Flu though! ahhhhhhh that would totally suck. Daniel just told me the swine flu reached Germany. uh oh be careful over there! That's okay, only on Tuesdays :) Okay well you guys are probably really bored with reading me go on, but that's okay. Daniel's awesome!!!! You better never forget this psycho American chick (but I am German too) Daniel!

~Erin Lee Weiss =O
(Pic added by Daniel)

Whats up i'm Paul. Daniel is pretty freakin awsome. the garage is cool we jam all night in here. Sooo ya thats just me

~Paul Crowley; from next door
(Pic added by Daniel)

Okay here I go myself :)
I don't know how it happened but I somehow got Erin + Paul 2 write sth really short about me and the garage xD (in the case of Erin more, in Pauls case less ;P)... Anyways I hope you believe it's really them and not me making something up but their writing styles are somewhat different from mine so just believe it's them and not me making up that stuff ;P Actually I like the idea that others write something about me, then I need to write less :P I'll try 2 get some more people 2 write a little bit next week :)

So another week's over :O I really am getting kinda sad that there are only about 5 weeks in Indiana left, I'll miss all this guys here so much, especially (just to name some people ;D) Zac, Erin, Lauren, Janay, Rachel, Paul C, Paul K, Znika brothers, My whole music class, Sandy and Lou ofc, Little Lou and Matt and their friends, Ryan Wilson, anybody else that comes to the garage or came to it before, my whole music class, all the other people from my school (okay maybe I won't miss EVERYBODY there but pretty damn close ;P), Jeff and Kathrina and their drumset ofc 2 and just all the people that I met overhere and won't see again for at least a year (I already decided I'm saving money for a plane ticket next summer and will come and just stay w/ Sandy and Lou again, since they don't have any exchange students staying in the summer :P) :O

Anyways (I can't believe I just wrote 2 paragraphs w/out even starting the actual blog post yet :O).. umm okay my week: I really don't wanna say too much about school really, I mean it's the same old thing, grades are stable, mostly having fun and stuff is too easy ;P I got a kinda funny story from Friday, thouhg Idk if I should really tell it but anyways ... Paul in my music class (that would be Paul K not the one who wrote something...) saw a picture on my Ipod from a girl that had been at the garage b4 and he was like, dude do you have her number?! I was like yeah here you go and he started randomly texting her (btw it was Katherine Kolbert, the last time she was at the garage was prob early march (I think), so you could look a picture up in one of the posts ;P) and now he's gonna go on a date w/ her (For explanation, Paul's not really the guy that gets all the girls, to put it nicely ;P), I'm a master of hooking people up, oh yeah ;P (jk jk ;D) Idk if you think it really is funny, it might not be if you don't know Paul and Katherine, but I wrote it down now so deal w/ it ;P

So the weekend: Erin told you already what had happened on Friday :D : We, it was Zac, Lauren, me, Erin, Rachel and her boyfriend, wanted to go to the movies, but umm we kinda screwed up in picking a movie that started too early for Lauren to make it in time from her tennis tournament, then waiting for her too long so we would have missed the movie and then even failing in finding a movie rental store that would rent w/out a creditcard -.-" But hey, that's okay :P Anyways we then all went back to the garage to just do the usual stuff ;D we still had alot of fun though, walking to CVS, getting some Monster (a brand, yep this is an ad ;P jk jk) energy drinks, playing a game called "Would you rather?!" (Lauren brought it in ... funniest question was when Ryan Wilson made one up: Would you rather be German or have the swine flu?! (kk kinda insulting but ofc it was just fun) We all laughed like crazy :D) and Poker (No fun though, because Lauren and Erin had both no idea what they were doing xD)... People there that night pretty much were:

Paul and Erin, IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE :P But such a nice shot I just HAD to upload it xD
Ryan Wilson, kid, that used to go to AHS, now he's homeschooled and lives around the area, I think he was in the blog before
Zac ofc :D
Lauren :) and me on the side :D

Later that night also Matt and Little Lou showed up, but I didn't get a picture...


:O just the second day and so much writing already :O After driving lesson in the morning( a B :) parallel parking isn't that hard btw (we did it the first time that drive), from 5 times we did it I only screwed up once and hit the curb a little tiny bit ;)) Sandy, Lou, me, Zac and Erin (Lauren had tennis ofc and Idk about the others ...) went to a WWII reenactment :) That really, really was awesome, and as erin has said, you can't do that in a history class :) It were about 300-400 men, all dressed up in historical acurate uniforms (Okay that's something that would have been considered very inappropiate in Germany, they German uniforms had the swastika...), that built up an entire Army base (they all camped there in historiy tents for the whole weekend), and reenacted a battle of WWII, with tanks and everything that belongs to it (they even had 2 old planes up as "Spotter planes") :) It really, really was alot of fun and I don't think something like that could even be possible in Germany :O

Just some pictures:
Entrance to one of the allied camps

A German camp
Allied vehicle
Another German camp, this time even w/ some of the guys ;D
Me in"Wehrmachts"-uniform
"Secret Statepolice"
Erin, me and a "soldier" ;D
In the battle, I thought the smoke from one of the fake shells really make this pic look good :D

After that we, as Erin described, went to a all-u-can-eat buffet restaurant, that had very, very good food :D That pretty much was the Saturday, b4 the garage again ofc ;D

The same people (exactly the same: Lauren, Erin, Paul C, Zac, Ryan, me, Little Lou and his wife Missy (k she wasn't there Friday ;D) and Matt) again, so just one picture of Erin in her fancy dress she talked about xD
Don't look at my face pls stupid grin xD oh and the black thing in my hand is my cellphone...

Just one more thing about that night, we again went up to CVS for some energy drinks, but this time they were on sale (a 4-pack for a dollar 50), so we bought ALOT of them ;D I discovered, that drinking 4 of those really DOES NOT make your stomach feel well and somehow(even though I felt asleep as fast as usual) it makes you feel sooo tired the next day :P Anyways we watched some movies that night too, so it was fun :)


Today was fun too ofc :D but really there's not much to tell it essentially just was Erin, Me, Zac, Paul C and Ryan hanging out, playing football and idk being cool I guess ;D So that's all what happened today, besides drivers ed (most riddic lesson ever, went there, 5 min of talking about how bad drinking and driving is (yep like I didn't know that before :/) and then 2 of those "scare the kids 2 death with horrifying accident pictures" movies :P But I guess it worked it really did scare me partly :O)

THE END (k 2 say it in cool txting language: Cu/l8/ttul/bb ;P)

P.S: ! Long stuff this time if you have fallen asleep by now, WAKE UP!!! ;D

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