Saturday, May 16, 2009

GUEST WRITERS AGAIN!!! :D even an adult! :D oh and I'll be writing some stuff too ofc ;)

Bwha ha ha ha... Dan is letting me write something for him. I am the Neighbor who lets him practice drums in my basement. He is a lot of fun to hang around with, and he is so polite! |Usually he is on his computer on weekends blogging so, it is nice to have him just hanging out while I write something for him. The teens went out to the battle of the bands at the local High School, and they had a good time, and I am sure that they still have their hearing intact. And now they (Dan and his Friends) are about to get their butts kicked by Lou on the pool table. They are gluttons for punishment. I am sure that Lou is trying to be nice and letting them get a few balls into the pockets. It's been really great getting to know him over the last few months.

~Katrina Fogg

SWEET BEANS! WHAT'S UP?! Oh my goodness I'm writing in Daniel's blog!! Hahaha... Of course, and he's texting at the moment! but that's okay. This dude is the first foreign exchange student I've ever really met. And his host parents and host sister are pretty awesome. Now I'm spending most of my weekend nights in "the garage" with him, Erin, Zac, Paul, neighbors, random people, etc. I totally won my tennis match last week because he was cheering! At least that's what he thinks... just kidding! I got to autograph his tennis ball that he got that day too. Yesterday we went to the battle of the bands at Andrean High School, and it was extremely fun, besides the creepy techno guys. : )
Now Daniel is complaining about how people ditched him tonight... and his morality class. Did you know the first time I played pool was here at the garage?
Who goes to bed at three in the morning Daniel??? Then you're always tired in the morning on the bus! That's okay, doesn't everyone?
Things are starting to get RIDDONCOLOUS!!!
Oh, we totally beat Zac and Paul at pool yesterday! WOO!!!
Remember when you and erin were dancing and broke the sign??? Or when you took a picture of Art and it make me laugh like crazy??? What about the thunder yesterday while were all by the pool table??
Now Daniel is trying to get a text to send... hah.
I love the stories about his old Latin teacher and how she doesn't even know how to use a phone!
DR. PEPPER!!! He's drinking one right now. :P
Well now, so Daniel is as cool as cool beans, funny, a super nice guy and everytime I've been in the presence of Daniel is the YOU ES OF EY, it's been fun and interesting. I'm glad I met him, and Imma miss him when he leaves!!!
-Lauren Carniello :)

Haha proof, so nobody can ever think I make all this stuff up, Lauren was really writing the blog :)

WOW! :D Thanks alot Kathrina and Lauren! :) I love this guest writer stuff it's SO MUCH fun, even for myself, since I get to see, what people really think about me and you get to read stuff by people, that totally write in a different style than I do :) So anyways here we go: another week lots of fun and time is running out for me :O I DON'T WANNA LEAVE :O :/ But hey, I've promised I'll be back next summer, the only thing I need is the plane ticket, since they won't have a exchange student in the summers :D Who wants to join me for 2-3 weeks of absolute cool partyness in the garage haha?! And yes this is a promise I'm intending to keep :D

My week: Very much fun and I'm still "enjoying" (as far as you can enjoy school ;)) Andrean alot w/ my grades being all A's atm so it's pretty much perfect :D This week was special too, since we had "Armageddon" on Friday, which is essentially a field day, where the different classe compete in different games like: Dodgeball (OMG! everybody is SOOOOOOOOO serius about this ;D); Tennis; Powder Puff (flag football :D); Soccer (yeah :O); Ultimate Frisbee; Softball; Chess; Basketball; Volleyball; Bean Bags and Quiz Bowl. It was alot of fun (ofc, who wouldn't like having a day of games instead of 7 (boring) classes ;P) and overall the Juniors won, even though the Seniors won Dodgeball (which ofc is considered the most important game :D). It was alot of fun, especially the teacher's dodgeball game was very ... ...interesting :P

Friday n8:
But that's not all the special things that happened this week :) Friday ofc we had the garage party like usual but before that we went to the "Battle of the Bands" at Andrean! ("We" includes Erin, me, Paul Crowley, Lauren and a Stephen (friend of Erin/Lauren I guess, he plays the drums that alone makes him acceptable xP)) It was ALOT of fun and the acts partly were really amazing (even though, as Lauren has already said, the 2 techno guys were very, very, very creepy w/ their 2 white masks and electronic music :P). here's a myspace link to one of the best bands there (it was like 11 acts).
Battle of the bands stage, yeah not really sharp Ik Ik :D
The Stephen dude at the battle
Jeff Gough, a freshman at my school, I don't even really know him, but he apparently used to go to Merrillville High so he knew all of them xP

After that we of course went back to the garage and hung out there for the rest of the night and it was alot of fun :) Lauren and me beat Zac and Stephen (and later as Lauren wrote Zac and Paul :P) in Pool, that was pretty frickin' amazing haha, we didn't just have the much cooler team (a sweet american girl and a cool German exchange student compared to a fat guy (sry Zac ;)) and a lame (not rly, but u know... :P) guy I don't even know; ofc we win in coolness ;P ;)) we also did beat them pretty badly, YAY!! :) We just did the usual stuff, but since the Battle of the Bands thing had been pretty long it wasn't the longest party ever :D Anyways People there that night were: Ryan, Cameron, Lauren, Erin, Paul Crowley, Katherine (no not Kathrina that wrote the entry... ;D), Jeff, Me ofc :D, Lou, Nick( a friend of Lou) and some of his buddies and (SURPRISE!!! first time since 3 months :O) Sol! :D

Umm yeah half of Paul, Lauren w/ her eyes closed and Cameron in the back haha

Jeff and Lou

Yeah umm I have no idea how this picture was made but yeah no idea why my eyes are closed or only half of Lauren's face can be seen xD
Zac! :D Btw if anybody's wondering where all the pics w/ Erin are that I normally have no idea lol, she's just in one somehow and it's pretty bad :O


The next morning I had my 2nd last driver's ed' class so I had to get up kinda early, but that's okay haha :D I just hung out w/ Zac for some time then, before in the late afternoon alot of us went to the mall (Erin, me, Zac, Katherine and Ryan) and did some shopping and just kinda were the cool teenagers ;P If anybody cares I bought the new Greenday CD (released May 15 :O, I didn't even know it was out already), a pair of shorts, something random for the garage (a "insult" button that randomly insults you when you press it :P) and a birthday card for Sol.

So the garage that night :) It really didn't start out that good, since Ryan, Katherine and Erin all said they wouldn't be there that night, but it still was alot of fun :D Zac and me walked to CVS at about 7:15 to get some interesting pop (Mountain Dew Voltage (mmh! :D) and Coke cherry (juck! :P)) as well as to pick up Lauren, whose parents don't let her walk around alone, even though this is a very good nerighborhood ;P We then just were in the garage, played Pool and later Kathrina, Little Lou and his now-wife Missy as well as a buddy of them showed up :) We had alot of fun and Lauren and Kathrina wrote my blog haha

Wow I didn't even know this picture existed till 5 minutes ago Idk who stole my camera :P I think I'm texting or something and Lauren is laughing really hard :P
Kathrina and in the back Zac

First picture I got with both Sandy and Lou and me :D

That night I also slept over at Zac's, because my last driver's ed class wouldn't start till 1 the next morning :)


After a pleasant sleep in the old room of Jun Hi (;)) I got up and kinda panicked about the final test I had to take in Driver's Ed today :O I studied straight from 11 to 12:40 when I left, but it turned out to be SO easy xD I don't think any studying would have been necessary at all :O I got an A+ with one question wrong :D So I'm gonna schedule my drive test this week sometime, and that one really kinda scares me, since if I flunk it once (Parallel parking scares me the most, since if I hit the curb I automatically fail, with everything else I see no problem :O) it would be the greatest fail in my life since I can't take the test w/ the BMV as far as I know xP But the "Yes, we can!" mentality should help haha.

Anyways after that I came back and started helping Sandy in the garden plant some flowers (lol yeah Idk y I just wanted to be nice xD). At about 6 o' clock Erin came back from Kat's house (where she had been all Saturday night) so we hung out and walked to get Lauren at about 7. We also (Ofc ;D) stopped at CVS, I'm a known customer there by now ;P, to get Sol's birthday present (I didn't find anything in the mall, since I really have NO idea what she likes besides baseball and Ik she has a bat ;D). We then headed back to the garage where us three and Lou just hung out and talked for some time :D For example: we established, that I'm gonna try and go to Merrillville High on Friday as a visitor, since we don't have school because of Prom and I would like to check it out ;D And also that before I leave I'll have everybody I know sign one of my school uniform shirts as a souvenir :)

The End of a fun weekend :)

P.S: It's NOT true that I go to bed at 3 in the morning in the week only on weekends and I'm not on the computer all the time on the weekends either as Kathrina wrote (actually I'm only on it for the time I write my blog/some very short time periouds in the middle of the day) :P And here's a picture of the tennis ball Lauren signed haha:

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