Monday, February 2, 2009

More than 10 posts ! YEAH! ;)

Dear readers,
10 posts have been written, so I think we should get down to serious business and stop the jokes. So here it is No. 11 in the new SERIOUS blog:

Just Kidding ;) Nothing changed I won't be writting like an almoust dead Lord ;)
So what happened this weekend that made me write this post late (well just 1 day, but some people seem to be crazy about this ;P), to put it shortly: Movie @ home ---> andrean winter formal---> garage ----> superbowl ... ;)
Now to the longer explanation: My school week was long and exhausting as always, but I'm doing good in school and am having fun in all of the classes , ok some are more fun (Mr Clark :D) than others (Music is kinda boring, since too easy but hey, you need a class to sleep/do your homework ;)), but I'm having good grades (not want to show off, but: atraight A's everywhere besides Physics (well NOBODY (seriously) has good grades) and one B in math, because it was the first test and I hadn't really catched up to the class yet), so my school life is going just fine and I'm making some friends .

The weekend though was the part where it got interesting: Friday was still kinda boring since, the first time there was no garage party, since Lou came back home to late, but hey I've saw a movie about the vietnam war in sorround sound, you wouldn't want to miss that ! (Called Platoon (really good by the way :))). So after the rather normal friday my saturday started with quite a shock: I forgot my good black shoes in my locker on fridays, and as everybody knows: suit with shoes other than black---> Never ever ;)
So we headed to school to see if there was a game or something else, so I could get to my locker, but even if I got in (there was a basketball practise) they have gates to lock off some parts of the school, so I still couldn't get to my locker ... So what I ended up doing was getting a cheap pair in the thrift shop for only 7 $ (pair that would have cost 200 new, though), so it didn't end up to bad for me (besides the time used for the driving... ).

So then I headed of at 5:30 to the house of my date ( her name's Maddie) and then went to the house of a different girl to take pictures with some more couples that met there, before we went to the dance at 7 o' clock. The dance actually was not really what I expected (Well it's not really a "formal" dance as you would call it in Germany (no Waltz or anything like that)), but it was a lot of fun (the dancing is like in a dance hall or something...), besides the fact that we had to wait about a hour in line for the professionaly taking photos (By the way, they were 30 $ for 4 pictures and some pass photos and the ticket for the dance was 25 $!! I don't know what a private school needs all the money for, but hey what don't you do for being part of american culture ;D)

After the dance (it ended at 10 o'clock) we headed back to Masie's (the house we took the pictures at) and grabbed some pizza and some drinks (and had some fun playing with the toys of her siblings, some nerf(little arrows) guns ;D)
I really had fun (even if not knowing how to dance, but hey most people weren't TOO good, and I kinda learned it ;)) and am quite sad there's no more formal dance for me till I come back (besides prom, but that's only for juniors/seniors, so....).

The other big event that took place was the SUPERBOWl XLIII on Sunday!!!!
Actually there wasn't anything like a party or something, but Zac + Jun Hi came over to watch it and we had Lous famous tacos again :)
I was cheering for the Arizona Cardinals (not because I liked them more, but they were the "Undergogs" and I liked the playstyle of them in the playoff game I watched before), but they lost ): It was a very good game though (at least in the 4th quarter) with many turnarounds, the longest interception return in Superbowl History and 96 yard penalties against the cardinals (-.-). The Winning team, the steelers from Pittsburgh, played really well though and dominated the game till the 4th quarter. The final score was 27:23...

The Official End with another picture of a nice guy I talk to alot in school, his name's Ivan...

P.S: I did some sports today, some running with jacob, a kid from the bus..

P.P.S: Just for some of you, I don't care if you do jokes in the shoutbox, but there's a line you maybe shouldn't cross, since grown up people are reading this ;P

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