Sunday, February 8, 2009

Baby showers, the garage and "apples to apples"

YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, What's poppin' ? ;P (what's poppin' = what's up... and just to get this clear: This is NOT how I or other people talk in the US, I just thought it to be a funny start ;))

Another week, another blog entry, YAY! So what is up?! First the brief update on school again: Everything's going perfectly fine and I'm enjoying it as much as school is enjoyable ;). The biggest difference in the school from Germany, I think, is that there are NO grades on what (and if you at all) you say in class, so sometimes nobody even cares to respond to a question, because it doesn't matter. Also the homework is always graded and takes a pretty big part in your final grade.
Also there aren't really any breakes in school (Homeroom though mostly ends up being a break but ok) just the 30 min lunch. But still I really like school so far...

But now to the more interesting part, as always, the weekend :)
Friday night was more of a quiet day in the garage, only Sol, Jun hi, me, Little Lou (Lou's son) and his friend Matt were there. (Zac's sick that's why he didn't show up, like he normally does)
It was fun though, I'm getting quite decent at pool, beating Sol twice, while loosing twice (all of those were really narrow games though) and the best thing: Little Lou promised me to take me to paintball some time when it gets warmer, Yeah! We went to bed at about 1:30, not too late, but I woke up at 10 o'clock since Sandy was vacuuming ):

She was cleaning the whole house, since there was a baby shower (for those who don't know what it is: You throw a party when somebody's pregnant so they get a lot of presents ;)) at our house. Since it's very girly (apparently, the whole house was decorated in pink :O) me and Jun Hi decided to flee the house and take a walk, since it was the warmest day since I came here (I think about 12/13 °C) and we went to check out the neighborhood the first time, finding some shops where we bought some ice cream (you need to take the chance when it's that warm ;P) and met a guy from the bus, Andre. We then went back and spent the rest of the day in the garage hiding from the baby shower (;P) and later trying (yes trying, we both were kinda bad ...) to throw a football. In the evening we then also met Erin, Andre and Lauren, all people from the bus and played some football with them, before we headed back to the garage.
Lauren and me
Erin, Andre and me

So we stayed there for some time, but eventually Lauren and Andre left, so Jun Hi, me and Erin went over to a little park, where Erin's brother and friends were hanging out. We stayed there for some time, but went to Erin's house soon, since it was getting quite chilly again. There we (well actually, just the girls did, but ok) played a Singstar like game before coming to the last part of the heading:

"Apples to Apples" A really fun cardgame ! It's very simple but very funny though :) Each round there's one theme card and everybody needs to put down cards that, in his oppinion, fit the theme, from his hand of 7 cards. (e.g: Theme: Awesome You put down: Watermelons or Independence Day or Girls or....) each round somebody then needs to decide which one's the best fitting card, and this person gets a point. It gets really funny when there are totally different words on the table like for example: Soft--- Barbed Wire, and since somebody's judging most of the time it ends up the most funniest thing wins (e.g: disturbing---> Girlfriends :P (No I didn't put that one ;D)).

On Sunday I slept till 12:30 so after I got up I immediately left for a meeting of the exchange students with the organisation. They didn't tell us anything interesting though, so I won't tortue you with a more detailed description of what they told us besides the fact, the WILL DEFINATELY send us home when something happens that shouldn't ;D

The rest of the sunday I spent doing some homework, practising to throw the football again with Jun Hi and just hanging out with Jun Hi, Erin, Lauren and two more girls from the bus...

DR. PEPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D (Yes, Cherry and Vanilla tastes good too :))

The End.

P.S: All wish me luck for my physics test tomorrow!

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