Sunday, April 26, 2009

PAINTBALL!!! I love it :D Oh and the garage (not enough people there this weekend!!!)...

SIR, YES SIR! Camo is cool ;)

But let's start from the beginning :) On monday I had to go to school again and I was so tired again from getting up at an time, that's just not made for Humanity to be awake yet ;P But I had to wake up fast, since till Wednesday I had 4 Tests and 2 Quizzes scheduled for Friday :O AHHHHHH!!!! THAT'S NOT VERY NICE, TEACHERS! JUST LETTING YOU KNOW ;P And the sad thing was, the only thing I didn't have a test in, was music -.-" That's the only class I don't even dare to look at the notes (Okay I don't take notes in that class, I admit :P It's just too stupid to write something down I already know (although some stuff is called differently, but I can hande that ^^)), since it's so easy :O It turned out to be quite okay though on Friday, I didn't really struggle in anything or something like that, I think I did quite good in everything :) (Yes, even Physics this time, I don't know what happened to Mr. Clark this week but he must have been very happy or something, since he gave us problems that were actually doable without your brain melting ;) )

But again let the interesting part beginn :D : The WEEEKKKKEENND! I was so glad the week was over after that Friday! ;P I still got random chunks of information mixed from 6 different subjects (Something like F=qvB*sin(Angle between them), Allude=refer to casually or indirectly, The 3 theological virtues are Faith, Hope and Love and the Potsdamer meeting of the leaders of the allies in WW2 actually was the beginn of the seperation of USA/britain and Russia which eventually led to the Cold War :O ( k that'y only 4 but I think you get the point :P) Anyways (how come I used aprox. 5 lines to express one short sentence?! :O ;D), Friday:

Only Erin, Zac and his cousin Tony (n/c on him he is a very ... interesting ... guy ;P) + ofc me and Lou were in the garage :/ WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE PEOPLE?!?!? ;D I don't know! (k in some cases I do but not very interesting foranybody :P)We still had fun :) Oh and I almost forgot, but later that night Paul showed up again, after Erin had texted him... I don't remember why, but I didn't feel like getting my camera out, so no pictures for you guys ... :D The next day was a little more interesting anyways (k not the garage (it was still empty ):) but see yourself, Saturday:

I had Drivers Ed in the morning, then driving lesson around noon (Okay I got a C+ again because (yes, this is a real quote ! :D) "You need to work those breaks more gently!" ... Okay.... :/). After my Driving lesson I then went biking with Erin (only with her, because Zac was being a Sissy and gave me the excuse "The Weather looks like rain" (even though it did rain later, hes still a sissy ;D) ... :P oh and Lauren was having a tennis tournament (which she didn't even win ! :O She decided, it was more important to go to the tournament than go biking and then she didn't even win! :O ;) )), but even though we got soaked after 5 minutes of riding (it was riddiculous, we were totally wet in 5 seconds, after it started :O), we had fun going on the bike trail I went on alone before :)
After that I went to Little Lou's house together with Sandy and Lou for a barbecue "party" for Matt, the guy why the changed the wedding date, because he is being deployed to afghanistan very soon... We only stayed for a little bit but it was fun, since it was all the people that were gonna go paintballing the next day, so I got to meet them and got to see Little Lou' garage (which isn't as cool as the one here, but it's still better than most garages :D), as well as play some corn beags (My team lost miserably, but the last time I played it was probably in 2007 or even longer ago, so it's kinda understandable ;)). After that we headed home to the "Big" garage :P


Erin! :D Ok, I know that I look kinda stupid in both pictures, but I still just felt like uploading them ;D

No not really, still only fricking 4 people there, different ones though :D : Erin, Zac, Lou and Big Bryan :) It was a fun evening, even though Big Bryan got so drunk he started talking the biggest Bullshit (sry ;P), but hey it was still fun xD

ZACHARY! (yep that's his real name NOBODY calls him that though :D)

Big Bryan and Lou :)

The best part of the weekend was still to come though :P The next day, SUNDAY:

PAAINNNNTBALLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Awesome ! Paint! Pain (a little bit, but that's okay ;D)! Camo! Fort Knox Paintball! :D
The only bad thing was I had to get up at 9 AM again, after getting up at 9:15 at Saturday for driver's ed :/ But the fun was definately worth it :) We got to "Fort Knox Paintball" at about noon, and there were (including us, which were Little Lou, Zac and the people from the party on saturday :D) about 20-30 people I would guess :)
The gun I used, borrowed from Little Lou ;D

I was so much fun and now I wanna do it in Germany but it's 18+ :O We're old enough to get drunk at 16 but can't get hit by a paintball till we're 18 that makes sense :P Well, anyways the paintball field is huge having anything from a woods field, an old western city and a castle to fight in :) I really didn't get any action shots, because I didn't take my camera on the field, since a hit would definately not have been very good (Yep, those paintballs DO hurt when you get hit and you can get some pretty bad (Okay not THAT bad but they can make you bleed) bruises but it doesn't matter you're "high" (;)) on adrenalin anyways ;D), but Little Lou took an old camera he didn't care about and took some pretty good pictures, he's gonna send them to me soon so be prepared for me in ACTION! ;D

Our Group
All the stuff we brought (yeah you ofc need to wear one of those masks and you sweat under them so bad ;P)
The "car field"

Just a little explanation about the game, there's different types we played, team Deathmatch (take out (If you're hit you need to say you're out and walk out of the field ( hold up your arm clear so people don't shoot you (happened to some people ;P)) all of the other team), Defend & Capture (One team needs to hold something (the castle for example) for a defined time, Plant the Bomb (Put the "Bomb" (A flag) into the designated spot), VIP (one person on a team is the VIP if he's hit the team looses, to win they need to escort him a certain distance) and "Slapstick" (Get to the enemy's side and "slap" a stick to win)...
Since I'm supposed to be in bed already, but this blog kept me awake (all your fault people ;)) I better stop now! So maybe I'll post tthe pictures Little Lou took later this week Idk ;D

The End

P.S: If you were wondering where Sol is all the time, I really don't know why, but she just stays in her room, uses her laptop and watches baseball all the time (including 4 in the morning :O) ...

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