Sunday, March 15, 2009

Boring Fridays, ok Saturdays, awesome Sundays and Mondays without school :)

Ladies and Gentleman, please fully turn up the volume and then play the video...

I hope you're awake now and paying attention :D I didn't write my Blog yesterday, because I was pretty tired from the day, but in exchange: something new: videos I took with my camera, sorry about the quality though :D

So how was my week?! Fun! :D Since Art left last week, Zac started coming over each night, so we had a lot of fun playing pool :)
School also is still same old: everything good, having fun most time and my grades are still doing good :) That's pretty much all there is to say about school... :D

The weekend, this time 3 days long, because we had today off, it was "Quarter Break" was the interesting part again :)

Friday: Was really really boring ): Almoust nobody showed up, it was pretty much only Lou, Sol, Jeff, me and two friends of Sol: A German exchange student living in Michigan, Sina, and a girl from AHS, Brionna (I think^^). But hey, it was ok and I talked to Lou about music and Jazz alot so it wasn't that bad :D

Saturday: Nice :D In the morning I had to ge up rather early (9 AM :/) to get me signed up for drivers ed', which I'm starting on next Monday :) I'm really looking forward to that, since I want to have a license, and drive in Germany with 16 :O :) Yes, I'll be able to drive german cars with 16 for a half year, before I need to change it to a German License (no test :)) and American cars I can drive as soon as I get a formula filled out ! Driving !!!! :) :D We also got a new Internet/Phone/TV conncection that day, which made the internet faster, so I can upload videos and photos faster now :).

In the evening at first not many people seemed to come, but slowly they dropped in and it was fun :) Sina stayed for the whole weekend:

Sina and me Saturday night

Overall there were about 10 people that night, which isn't the biggest possible crowd but it was fun :D People there: Sol, me, Lou, Little Lou and his girlfriend Missy, Matt (Little Lou's friend) and his girlfriend, Jeff, Sina, Jun Hi, Lauren, Erin (only for 10 minutes though, she is in some kind of trouble ;P) and the big guy Bryan :)

Bryan and me

The night was really fun, especially, as you can see in the picture, as I had fun with Bryan :) I also played some pool, didn't do that good though, but hey you can't always win :D I also talked to Sina about Germany and weboth told the older people what we thought of the US and other exchange students speaking their own language all the time (That's just rude :O), so we came to the conclusion, that Germans are just the most polite exchange students, cause we don't do that ;) :P . If you have been wondering where Zac was all weekend by now, he was at his dads again :/

Missy (Little Loud's Girlfriend (they're engaged btw and having their wedding in october)), Sol and Little Lou. Oh and the dog's their dog it's actually Kelc son :D

The most fun: Sunday: Bryan texted me at 7:30 approx. 2139491230 times to wake me up ;) But besides that sunday really was fun :D We went to see the Southside St. Patricks Day parade in Chicago and it was really awesome :)

This was one of the many marching bands in the parade :) Sorry the sound quality didn't turn out too good :/

Since I don't know which pictures were good that day I'm just gonna pick 5 random ones: :D

No, this isn't a T-shirt, he actually painted his body green :D

That should be enough to give you a impression of what it was like :D

After the parade, we did a little round trip around chicago were Lou and Sandy showed us some of the big sites from the car, because Sina had to leave from a train station in Downtown. We had something to eat in a really funny restaurant, where the waiters were supposed to act rude and be snippy. That was really fun.
The last thing we did before we dropped Sina off and headed home, was to see the bean, which is this big shiny metal "thing" in the middle of millenium park, were you get really nice reflections when you walk underneath it.Shiny :D

Monday: Last day off :/ I slept 12 hours and was really awake, so I decided to take a bike ride, on the bike our neighbors are borrowing me for my stay (they gave it to me at sunday evening). I found some interesting stores, and a "European Food" store, where I bought some "Kinderschokolade" :D Later today I also rode the bike to the Social Security Office, to get a letter of verification for my Social Security number, since my card's still in Germany, which I need to get my Learner's Permit, which I need to get my License :D. After Zac got off school (haha MHS had school ;P), we hang out and texted a stupid Txting service, which answers all your questions, called ChaCha :D That was really fun :D

Hmm, somehow it seems like I'm writing less and less every week :D But hey more pictures AND some videos :D

The End

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